Clean up after yourself

So you’re just going to leave it there?  For everyone to see.  You’re not even going to put it away?

You’d be amazed at the amount of client and employee information that is left out in the open for all to see in many of the offices out there today.  We’ve got tighter privacy legislation, many companies have strict rules about what information their willing to discuss in the open but we still end our day, walk away from our desks or work spaces and just leave the information available, on our desks, on our computer screens and in just about any area in the work environment.

There’s an easy and cheap way to avoid this sensitive information from getting out there or into the wrong hands.  Let’s look at a few ideas;

On your computer…use the screen saver passwords.  Create and enforce a policy that all computers will run a locked screen saver after X amount of minutes of inactivity.  If you need to leave your computer for a long duration of time lock the computer or failing that hopefully with a short inactivity limit the computer will take care of it for you.

How about simply putting things away.  Before you go for the day, out on an appointment, out for lunch with colleagues, do what your mother used to tell you and clean up after yourself.  Put sensitive files away in a locked cabinet or desk, return them back to central filing where it is protected and so on.

The information you have available about your employees and clients is as valuable as your or the company’s bank account information.   A simple conversation with your employees about this concern is one of the cheapest forms and techniques of risk management available.



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