Category: Articles
MWGI works with many organizations in various industries and geographical locations. We’re good at understanding and applying specific regulatory, industry, and corporate standards/guidelines to the services we’ ...
Confidentiality driven by our Integrity
We cannot be completely open with our experience due to our agreements with our clients and we do not share our detailed experiences freely with others. We will work with you, all the while keeping your trust and your co ...
Business Continuity & the Physical Security Professional
Business Continuity is planned. There are a number of areas that the physical security professional is involved in from the business continuity plan building, training, exercising, and execution. At a high level lets loo ...
Its just good business
Most organizations hope that their employees will be able to cope and manage the disruption of the pandemic, or any other disruptive event for that matter. In most cases this is a change that most employees have never s ...
Home sweet home
Half a year into a pandemic. Many lessons learned. Some organizations learning for the first time, some having experienced other interruptions that forced them previously to adapt. Some weather this storm a little bit ...
Our Mission
To provide defensible mitigation strategies tailored to your specific needs and requirements. We accomplish this by understanding your point of view and tailoring strategies that what work for our client. We work togethe ...
Risk Complacency
Why should you have a cyclical strategy to your risk and security? Risk Complacency. You run the risk of being complacent. The one man-made hazard that is probably the easiest to avoid and the largest threat to any sized ...
Strategically thinking
You are not done. In fact, you are never done. Current 2020 Pandemic aside… You have done all the groundwork, thinking, collaborating, conferring, compromising to protect your organization unwanted and undue risk. Rout ...
A good diet
Like a healthy and well balanced diet, your risk and security management efforts need to be healthy as well. When a risk and security management program/plan is not working the way as it was planned, the organization, yo ...
Risk & Security Roadmap
The primary goal of the variety of risk and security measures available for your organization is to eliminate or reduce exposure to threats and hazards. Reducing exposure to risk is done by the development and implementa ...